

On Wednesday, July 2, at 1.30 p.m. in room P702, T B Dinesh from Janastu, a non-profit organisation providing free open source software, will present the SWeeT Web of Heritage.

Dinesh has a computer science background (Univ Iowa and CWI, NL) and is a founder member of Janastu and International Institute of Art Culture and Democracy in Bangalore, India. Janastu engages in technology research and support for other non-profit, issue based, organizations. IIACD engages in digital humanities, living heritage and community health. We network with pastoral communities developing frameworks for community-managed knowledge, supporting AIDS advocacy programs, post-tsunami rehabilitation, biodiversity and environmental groups, craft communities and open source support for non-profit organizations.


Our journey into SWeeTs (“Semantic Web tweeTs”) started with the work on the Re-narration Web which attempts to bridge the gap in web accessibility discourses in addressing the needs of non-literate web users. Heritage Knowledge Bank is an application of this, that we will also discuss, that is being developed for the Indian Digital Heritage project.


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This event is part of a series of events about Semantic Web technology. Please see for further information about previous and future events. As always, Bachelor and Master students are able to get points for attendance and there is complimentary coffee and cake after the session.

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On Monday, July 28,  in room P702 at 3.00 p.m., Edgard Marx proposes a question answering system. He has a computer science background (BSc. and MSc. in Computer Science/PUC-Rio) and is a member of AKSW (Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web). Edgard has been engaging in Semantic Web technology research since  2010 and is mainly working on evangelization and developing of conversion and mapping tools.


The use of Semantic Web technologies led to an increasing number of structured data published on the Web.
Despite the advances on question answering systems retrieving and presenting the desired information from RDF structured sources is still substantial challenging.
In this talk we will present our proposal and working draft to address this challenges.


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This event is part of a series of events about Semantic Web technology. Please see for further information about previous and future events. As always, Bachelor and Master students are able to get points for attendance and there is complimentary coffee and cake after the session.

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We are happy to announce that this year seven papers from AKSW were accepted at the ISWC in different tracks and covering a wide range of topics as listed below:

ISWC Research track:

TITLE: DAW: Duplicate-AWare Federated Query Processing over the Web of Data
AUTHORS: Muhammad Saleem, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Josiane Xavier Parreira, Helena Deus and Manfred Hauswirth

TITLE: ORCHID – Reduction-Ratio-Optimal Computation of Geo-Spatial Distances for Link Discovery
AUTHORS: Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo

TITLE: Pattern Based Knowledge Base Enrichment
AUTHORS: Lorenz Bühmann, Jens Lehmann

TITLE: Real-time RDF extraction from unstructured data streams
AUTHORS: Daniel Gerber, Sebastian Hellmann, Lorenz Bühmann, Ricardo Usbeck, Tommaso Soru and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo

ISWC In-Use track:

TITLE: Integrating NLP using Linked Data
AUTHORS: Sebastian Hellmann, Jens Lehmann, Sören Auer and Martin Brümmer

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TITLE: Using Linked Data to evaluate the impact of Research and Development in Europe: a Structural Equation Model
AUTHORS: Amrapali Zaveri, Joao Ricardo Nickenig Vissoci, Cinzia Daraio, Ricardo Pietrobon

ISWC 2013 Evaluation track:

TITLE: Crowdsourcing Linked Data Quality Assessment
AUTHORS: Maribel Acosta, Amrapali Zaveri, Elena Simperl, Dimitris Kontokostas, Sören Auer and Jens Lehmann

See you there mates!

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The next BioASQ meeting is coming up. Let the benchmark creation begin! BioASQ ( will push towards improved biomedical semantic indexing and QA via ambitious, yet realistic challenge tasks. The challenge will run in two stages, designed to (a) adapt traditional semantic indexing and QA methods to the needs of biomedical experts, and (b) collect feedback and improve the experimental setting itself. A large computational infrastructure, already available to the consortium, will be used to evaluate competing systems. The required datasets and evaluation measures will be established before the challenge. Biomedical experts will participate in the consortium, both as partners and through a supporting network of third parties. Check out the website for infos on how you can participate!

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Over the past two years, the LATC project (Linked Open Data Around-The-Clock) has worked on converting more than 20 EU datasets to RDF, make them available as Linked Data and SPARQL, and link them to other datasets. The datasets have gone through internal quality assurance against a publication checklist. LATC supports the EU Open Data Portal initiative and aims to bootstrap the creation of an EU dataset cloud by this effort. The datasets include several business, legal and statistical datasets such as CORDIS, the European Commission Financial Transparency System, EUR-Lex, EuroStat and many more. A full list of all converted datasets, SPARQL endpoints and documentation can be found at:

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The LATC Team

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The AKSW team is very delighted to announce a new major release of our semantic data wiki OntoWiki. OntoWiki 0.9 is available from our download page. A screencast showing some new features is also available.


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  • RDFa widget editing This feature separates the visualization of the RDF data in the browser
    from the statement editing component by using RDFa annotations inside the view and JavaScript
    editing widgets which are sensible to the type and context of the edited data.
  • Extension architecture with support for components, themes, datawrapper, translations and
    generic plugins: Most of OntoWiki’s functionality is implemented as extensions now; thus keeping
    the OntoWiki core very small.
  • Authentication support for local sioc:Users, FOAF+SSL WebIDs and OpenIDs.
  • Support for LinkedData both as server and consumer (see data gathering backend below).
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  • Support for multiple SPARQL RDF stores: Implementations are available for Virtuoso and
    ZendDB (i.e. MySQL); allowing installations with support for millions of triples.
  • Pattern-based query cache: In order to improve the performance of Semantic Web applications, we
    developed an approach for caching SPARQL query results and complete application objects, which
    is sensitive to knowledge store updates.
  • Data gathering: Support for plugable data gathering backends, e.g. for LinkedData gathering,
    DataWrapper for Twitter and Musicbrainz or Exporter, e.g. for EXIF data

Selected extensions packed with OntoWiki 0.9

  • FileManager: Upload / serve files and manage associated metadata.
  • Community: Create comments and discuss resources.
  • History / versioning: See last changes, browse history and rollback edits.
  • Map extension: Visualize resources which have direct and indirect geo-attributes attached.
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Triplify 0.4 released

We just released version 0.4 of the Triplify script. After the initial release several months ago we made quite some additions and bug fixes the most important of which are:

  • Update log functionality added – allows Semantic Web crawlers to get incremental updates, see
  • linked data publication now also works without Apache’s mod_rewrite
  • Syntax for indicating objectProperties added, e.g.:SELECT id,user_id 'sioc:has_creator->user'
  • Additional metadata can now be added via $triplify[‘metadata’]
  • The configuration variable $triplify[‘CallbackFunctions’] allows programmatic post processing of DB content

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Thanks to everybody contributing bug fixes or comments (especially Sebastian Hellmann, Danh Le Phuoc, Rolf Strathewerd, Elias Theodorou).

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SANSA 0.7.1 (Semantic Analytics Stack) Released

We are happy to announce SANSA 0.7.1 – the seventh release of the Scalable Semantic Analytics Stack. SANSA employs distributed computing via Apache Spark and Flink in order to allow 【ios版shadowsock】ios版shadowsock价格_ios版 ...:安卓ios手机同屏线音频线HDMI转接线同屏电脑显示器1080P 品牌 其他 型号 L7-5 类型 手机配件 主要下游平台 亚马逊,速卖通 主要销售地区 北美,东南亚 有可授权的自有品牌 是.

  • Website:
  • GitHub:
  • Download: 获取ios科学上网客户端 - tlanyan:iOS系统(理论上)必须从app store下载和安装软件,因政策原因,国内apple id很难下载到网络伕理客户端。本文提出了多种可行的方法绕过这一限制,请网友自行选择最合适的方式。此外本文和提供免费apple id账号供网友使用,并对应用商店中各个客户端做了整理。
  • ChangeLog:

You can find usage guidelines and examples at

The following features are currently supported by SANSA:

  • Reading and writing RDF files in N-Triples, Turtle, RDF/XML, N-Quad, TRIX format
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  • Support for multiple data partitioning techniques
  • SPARQL querying via Sparqlify and Ontop and Tensors
  • Graph-parallel querying of RDF using SPARQL (1.0) via GraphX traversals (experimental)
  • RDFS, RDFS Simple and OWL-Horst forward chaining inference
  • RDF graph clustering with different algorithms
  • Terminological decision trees (experimental)
  • Knowledge graph embedding approaches: TransE (beta), DistMult (beta)

Noteworthy changes or updates since the previous release are:

  • TRIX support
  • A new query engine over compressed RDF data
  • OWL/XML Support

Deployment and getting started:

  • There are template projects for SBT and Maven for Apache Spark as well as for Apache Flink available to get started.
  • The SANSA jar files are in Maven Central i.e. in most IDEs you can just search for “sansa” to include the dependencies in Maven projects.
  • Example code is available for various tasks.
  • We provide interactive notebooks for running and testing code via Docker.

We want to thank everyone who helped to create this release, in particular the projects Big Data Ocean, SLIPO, QROWD, BETTER, BOOST, MLwin, PLATOON and Simple-ML. Also check out our recent articles in which we describe how to use SANSA for tensor based querying, scalable RDB2RDF query execution, shadowsock苹果手机版 and semantic partitioning.

Spread the word by retweeting our release announcement on Twitter. For more updates, please view our Twitter feed and consider following us.

Greetings from the shadowsock苹果手机版


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Over recent years, the Web of Data has grown significantly. Various interfaces such as LOD Stats, LOD Laundromat and SPARQL endpoints provide access to hundreds of thousands of RDF datasets, representing billions of facts. These datasets are available in different formats such as raw data dumps and HDT files, or directly accessible via SPARQL endpoints. Querying such a large amount of distributed data is particularly challenging and many of these datasets cannot be directly queried using the SPARQL query language.

In order to tackle these problems, We present WimuQ, an integrated query engine to execute SPARQL queries and retrieve results from a large amount of heterogeneous RDF data sources. Presently, WimuQ is able to execute both federated and non-federated SPARQL queries over a total of 668,166 datasets from LOD Stats and LOD Laundromat, as well as 559 active SPARQL endpoints. These data sources represent a total of 221.7 billion triples from more than 5 terabytes of information from datasets retrieved using the service “Where is My URI” (WIMU). Our evaluation of state-of-the-art real-data benchmarks shows that WimuQ retrieves more complete results for the benchmark queries. 

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  • A hybrid SPARQL query-processing engine to execute SPARQL queries over a large amount of heterogeneous RDF data.
  • Evaluation of real-world datasets using the state of the art of federated and non-federated query benchmarks (FedBench, LargeRDFBench and FEASIBLE).
  • We present the first federated SPARQL query-processing engine that executes SPARQL queries over a total of 221.7 billion triples.

This is an ongoing work, in which the next step consists of a Large Scale approach to study the relation and similarity among the datasets. This work was supported by the Semantic Web group of HTWK Leipzig ( under the advisement of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Riechert.

Github repository:

Prototype/proof of concept:

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DL-Learner 1.4 (Supervised Structured Machine Learning Framework) Released

Dear all,

The Smart Data Analytics group [1] and the E.T.-db-MOLE sub-group located at the InfAI Leipzig [2] is happy to announce

DL-Learner 1.4.

DL-Learner is a framework containing algorithms for supervised machine learning in RDF and OWL. DL-Learner can use various RDF and OWL serialization formats as well as SPARQL endpoints as input, can connect to most popular OWL reasoners and is easily and flexibly configurable. It extends concepts of Inductive Logic Programming and Relational Learning to the Semantic Web in order to allow powerful data analysis.

GitHub page:

In the current release, we continued to improve the code and work on our query tree and class expression learning algorithms. The config file can now optionally be written in Json syntax. We updated the packaging to be ready for Java 11 and also tested DL-Learner on Windows. Some logical fixes to the Horizontal Expansion in CELOE were reported and analysed by Yingbing Hua, thanks!

The DL-Learner system has also been presented at The Web Conference in Lyon 2018 [3]. We want to thank everyone who helped to create this release. We also acknowledge support by the following projects: LIMBO [4], QROWD [5], SAKE [6], Big Data Europe [7], HOBBIT [8], GeoKnow [9], GOLD [10], and SLIPO [11].

Kind regards,

Jens Lehmann, Lorenz Bühmann, Patrick Westphal and Simon Bin

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DBpedia Day @ SEMANTiCS 2024

shadowsock手机版下载 We are happy to announce that SEMANTiCS 2024 will host the 14th DBpedia Community Meeting at the last day of the conference on September 12, 2024.




  • Keynote #1: Katja Hose, Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Keynote #2: Dan Weitzner from WPSemantix
  • DBpedia Databus presentation and training session
  • DBpedia Association hour
  • DBpedia Showcase session
  • DBpedia Chapter session

Call for Contribution

Tell us what cool things you do with DBpedia:  Present your tools and datasets at the DBpedia Community Meeting! Please submit your presentations, posters, demos or other forms of contributions through our web form.

Quick Facts

  • Web URL:
  • When: September 12th, 2024
  • Where: Leibniz-Institute für Informationsstruktur – FIZ Karlsruhe, Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
  • Call for Contribution: Submit your proposal in our form
  • Registration: Attending the DBpedia Community meeting costs 90 €. You can buy your ticket on the SEMANTiCS website. DBpedia members get free admission. Please contact your nearest DBpedia chapter for a promotion code, or please contact the DBpedia Association.

Sponsors and Acknowledgments

  • Institute for Applied Informatics 
  • SEMANTiCS 2024 
  • OpenLink Software 
  • FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz-Institut für Informationsinfrastruktur GmbH
  • Semantic Web Company 

In case you want to sponsor the 14th DBpedia Community Meeting, please contact the DBpedia Association via


  • Tina Schmeissner, DBpedia Association
  • Sandra Prätor, AKSW/KILT, DBpedia Association
  • Sebastian Hellmann, AKSW/KILT, DBpedia Association

We are looking forward to meeting you in Karlsruhe!

Your DBpedia Association

Posted in shadowsock手机版, Call for Students, dbpedia, Events | Tagged shadowsock 安卓apk, DBpedia, SEMANTiCs | Comments Off on DBpedia Day @ SEMANTiCS 2024

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shadowsock手机版With the advent of digital technologies, an ever-increasing amount of language data is now available across various application areas and industry sectors, thus making language data more and more valuable. In that context, we are happy to invite you to join the 2nd Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK) conference which will be held in Leipzig from May 20th till 22nd, 2024.

This new biennial conference series aims at bringing together researchers from across disciplines concerned with language data in data science and knowledge-based applications.

In that context, the acquisition, provenance, representation, maintenance, usability, quality as well as legal, organizational and infrastructure aspects of language data are in the centre of research revolving around language data and thus constitute the focus of the conference.

To register and be part of the LDK conference and its associated events, please go to

Keynote Speakers

  • Keynote #1: Christian Bizer, Mannheim University
  • Keynote #2: Christiane Fellbaum, Princeton University
  • Keynote #3: Eduard Werner, Leipzig University


The following events are co-located with LDK 2024:

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Workshops on the 20th May 2024

  • Translation Inference across Dictionaries (TIAD)
  • 3rd Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic web (WHiSe III)
  • 2nd OntoLex Face to Face Meeting

DBpedia Community Meeting on the 23rd May 2024

  • 13th DBpedia Community Meeting

Looking forward to meeting you at the conference!

Posted in Announcements, dbpedia, Events | Comments Off on LDK conference @ University of Leipzig


We are happy to invite you to join the 13th edition of the DBpedia Community Meeting, which will be held in Leipzig. Following the LDK conference, May 20-22, the DBpedia Community will get together on May 23rd, 2024 at Mediencampus Villa Ida. Once again the meeting will be accompanied by a varied program of exciting lectures and showcases.

Highlights/ Sessions

  • Keynote #1: Making Linked Data Fun with DBpedia by 手机shadowsock教程 metaphacts
  • Keynote #2: From Wikipedia to Thousands of Wikis – The DBkWik Knowledge Graph by Heiko Paulheim, Universität Mannheim
  • NLP and DBpedia Session
  • DBpedia Association Hour
  • DBpedia Showcase Session

Call for Contribution

What cool things do you do with DBpedia? Present your tools and datasets at the DBpedia Community Meeting! Please submit your presentations, posters, demos or other forms of contributions through our web form.


Attending the DBpedia Community meeting costs 40 €. You need to buy a ticket via DBpedia members get free admission. Please contact your nearest DBpedia chapter for a promotion code, or please contact the DBpedia Association.

If you would like to attend the LDK conference, please register here.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Leipzig!

Posted in dbpedia, Events | Comments Off on 13th DBpedia community meeting in Leipzig


We are happy to announce SANSA 0.5 – the fifth release of the Scalable Semantic Analytics Stack. SANSA employs distributed computing via Apache Spark and Flink in order to allow scalable machine learning, inference and querying capabilities for large knowledge graphs.

  • Website:
  • GitHub:
  • Download:
  • ChangeLog:

You can find the FAQ and usage examples at

The following features are currently supported by SANSA:

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  • Reading OWL files in various standard formats
  • Query heterogeneous sources (Data Lake) using SPARQL – CSV, Parquet, MongoDB, Cassandra, JDBC (MySQL, SQL Server, etc.) are supported
  • Support for multiple data partitioning techniques
  • SPARQL querying via Sparqlify and Ontop
  • Graph-parallel querying of RDF using SPARQL (1.0) via GraphX traversals (experimental)
  • RDFS, RDFS Simple and OWL-Horst forward chaining inference
  • RDF graph clustering with different algorithms
  • Terminological decision trees (experimental)
  • Knowledge graph embedding approaches: TransE (beta), DistMult (beta)

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  • A data lake concept for querying heterogeneous data sources has been integrated into SANSA
  • New clustering algorithms have been added and the interface for clustering has been unified
  • Ontop RDB2RDF engine support has been added
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  • Dataset statistics calculation has been substantially improved
  • Improved unit test coverage

Deployment and getting started:

  • There are template projects for SBT and Maven for Apache Spark as well as for Apache Flink available to get started.
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  • Example code is available for various tasks.
  • We provide interactive notebooks for running and testing code via Docker.

We want to thank everyone who helped to create this release, in particular the projects HOBBIT, Big Data Ocean, SLIPO, QROWD, BETTER, shadowsock手机版下载, MLwin and shadowsock手机版下载.

Spread the word by retweeting our release announcement on Twitter. For more updates, please view our Twitter feed and consider following us.

Greetings from the SANSA Development Team


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AKSW at in São Paulo

From October 1st until 6th a delegation from AKSW Group, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK), eccenca GmbH, and Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences went to São Paulo, Brazil to meet people from the Web Technologies Study Center ( for evaluation future collaboration.
For getting to know our mutual research interests we held the Workshop on Linked Data Management.

The Workshop on Linked Data Management (Workshop sobre Gestão de Dados Abertos) was co-located with the annual conference of the Brazilian Word Wide Web Consortium (Conferencia 2018) in São Paulo.
During the workshop 11 talks were held by researchers from the Brazilian hosts and the German delegation.
By mutually presenting our research areas, open questions, and visions to the audience overlapping research interests and complementing areas of expertise could be identified.
A recurring hypothesis was that Open Data is a very powerful method to foster participation, accessibility, and collaboration across areas.
During the presentations the potential in the areas of research data in the digital humanities, the accessibility of educational resources and organization of educational infrastructures, and the participation in public administration and government became visible.
A recurring topic in the presentations was the need for collaboration among actors and stakeholders which arises the need for methodologies and systems for supporting the collaboration.
Asset for a potential future cooperation in this research area between the Brazilian and the German side were the mutually complementing interests and experiences of the groups.
The Brazilian side has an existing involvement with public administration, government, and education particularly with the special needs from a developing country perspective.
On the German side a strong background in the creation and operation of data management systems and infrastructures, as well as data integration exists.
We are currently in the process of establishing useful communication channels and collaboration platforms which allow efficient joint work across timezone, language, and continental borders, to foster the cooperation between the two groups.
For a common understanding of our interests and skills the first subject of collaboration is an common extended documentation of the initial workshop. Following this documentation a requirements engineering process will be started identify the concrete needs and potentials on both sides for a common project in future.
The second workshop planed in June 2024 will focus on the results of this discussion.

After the workshop we have also visited the DFG Office in Latin America to discuss possible research collaboration between German institutions and institutions in São Paulo.


The Open Data Management Workshop and the visit of the German delegation is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in cooperation with the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) under grant agreement number 388784229.

Also read about our trip at the HTWK news portal (German).

Posted in Projects, workshop | Tagged brazil, collaboration, 手机shadowsock教程, Conferences, cooperation, linked data, Semantic Web, web conference, workshop | Comments Off on AKSW at in São Paulo

AskNow 0.1 Released

Dear all,

we are very happy to announce AskNow 0.1 – the initial release of Question Answering Components and Tools over RDF Knowledge Graphs.

GitHub: shadowsock手机端

The following components with corresponding features are currently supported by AskNow:

  • EARL 0.1 EARL performs entity linking and relation linking as a joint task. It uses machine learning in order to exploit the Connection Density between nodes in the knowledge graph. It relies on three base features and re-ranking steps in order to predict entities and relations.
    ISWC 2018:
  • SQG 0.1: This is a SPARQL Query Generator with modular architecture. SQG enables easy integration with other components for the construction of a fully functional QA pipeline. Currently entity relation, compound, count, and boolean questions are supported.
    ESWC 2018:
  • AskNow UI 0.1: The UI interface works as a platform for users to pose their questions to the AskNow QA system. The UI displays the answers based on whether the answer is an entity or a list of entities, boolean or literal. For entities it shows the abstracts from DBpedia.
  • SemanticParsingQA 0.1: The Semantic Parsing-based Question Answering system is built on the integration of EARL, SQG and AskNowUI.

We want to thank everyone who helped to create this release, in particular the projects HOBBIT, SOLIDE, 苹果手机shadowsock, BigDataEurope.

View this announcement on Twitter:

Kind regards,
The AskNow Development Team

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Jekyll RDF Tutorial Screencast

Since 2016 we are developing Jekyll-RDF a plugin for the famous Jekyll–static website generator. With Jekyll-RDF we took the slogan of Jekyll “Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs” and transformed it to “Transform your RDF Knowledge Graph into static websites and blogs”. This enables people without deep programming knowledge to publish data, which is encoded in complicated RDF structures, on the web in an easy to browse format.

To ease your start with Jekyll-RDF I’ve created a Tutorial Screencast that teaches you all the basics necessary to create a simple Jekyll page from an RDF knowledgebase. I hope that you enjoy it and that it is helpful for you!


Posted in Announcements, LEDS | Tagged html, jekyll, jekyll-rdf, jekyllrdf, publish, RDF, Semantic Web | Comments Off on Jekyll RDF Tutorial Screencast